Who is the Antichrist? pt 1 - SOPS2313

Episode 13 August 23, 2024 00:59:40
Who is the Antichrist? pt 1 - SOPS2313
Secrets of Prophecy
Who is the Antichrist? pt 1 - SOPS2313

Aug 23 2024 | 00:59:40


Show Notes

Who is the Antichrist? Part 1

1. What does the Bible say about the Antichrist in 2 Jn 1:7?
2. What’s another name for the Antichrist in 2 Thess. 2:3?
3. What does a Beast stand for in Bible prophecy in Dan. 7:17?
4. What’s the name of the power that arose out of Rome?
5. Was the Little Horn power a political or a religious power?

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Are you ready to experience the amazing love of God and his plan for your life? Are you curious about the fast fulfilling Bible prophecies? Amidst the rapidly changing world, secrets of prophecy is your gateway to unlocking these exciting realities. Join Pastor David Price on a journey of discovery that will not only transform your life, but will equip you with inner peace and an unshakable hope to face the future. Well, it's my pleasure to welcome you to session number 13 of secrets of prophecy. This is an amazing study and amazing topic, and I'm so glad that you can join us. We're looking at who is the Antichrist, part one. Let's have a look at our five discovery questions. Number one, what does the Bible say about the Antichrist in two, John, chapter one and verse seven. Secondly, what's another name for the Antichrist as written by Paul in two Thessalonians, chapter two and verse three, what does a beast stand for in Bible prophecy? In Daniel, chapter seven and verse 17. Number four, what's the name of the power that arose out of ancient Rome? And number five, was the little horn power a political or a religious power? So those are some of the topics that we're going to cover in session number 13 of secrets of the Antichrist. Let us pray. Gracious heavenly Father, again we would ask for your wisdom and understanding, the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this very important topic. And we ask it all in Jesus precious name. Amen. For hundreds of years, the religious world has been fascinated and even fearful of the Antichrist power. This mystical figure is seen as a representative of the devil, a political and religious leader associated with evil and deception. Antichrist characters feature in movies, books and video games. From horror thrillers to religious films. The Antichrist is a source of intrigue and mystery. Speculation relating to the identity of the Antichrist has resulted in a wide range of candidates. Some of the earliest contenders were the persecuting roman emperors, in particular Nero, and also the emperor Diocletian, who killed countless Christians and certainly opposed the worship of Jesus Christ. Many Christians believe that the Antichrist will be a political figure at the end of time. This political and military genius will establish a one world government and rule the world. His headquarters will be in Jerusalem, where he will demand worship and obedience. Well, the Muslims have their own views regarding an Antichrist. This person, or Dajjal, is an evil power who appears to promote love and truth, but through deceptive powers, actually promotes death and evil. Did you know that Nostradamus made a number of prophecies about the Antichrist he actually predicted three Antichrists. His followers believed Napoleon was the first Antichrist and hitler II the third, associated with the mystical name Marbus, is yet to come. With such a wide range of views, how can we accurately identify the Antichrist? In fact, is the Antichrist an individual or an alliance of evil? Will the Antichrist appear in the future, or is he alive today? What role will the Antichrist play in the final events of world history? And how can you be certain to avoid the sinister plans of this deceptive power? In this two part series, we'll delve into the secrets of the prophecy and allow the scriptures to clearly identify the Antichrist of biblical prophecy. If you're joining us online, the study guide for session 13 is downloadable under the subject and description bar, so you're welcome to do that. Let's go straight into our Bible study and let's look at question number one. What does the Bible actually say about the Antichrist? Let's go to two John, chapter one and verse seven. John wrote, remember, John was a disciple of Jesus and he also wrote the book of Revelation. For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. The term Antichrist is only mentioned in four passages of the Bible, interestingly, all in the letters of John. In each case, the term is used to portray a false teacher or deceptive power that corrupts the faith within the church. Friends, I'm gonna pause here and give you some extra information. There are actually three more Antichrist texts in the book of first and second John. So Antichrist is only mentioned four times in John's biblical letters in the New Testament. So let's go to first John, chapter two, verses 18 and 19, and have a look at text number two or four Antichrist text John wrote to the church. Little children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming even now. Many antichrists have come by, which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they'd been of us, they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that none of them were of us. So isn't that interesting that the apostle John was warning the early church of the rise of Antichrist in their midst? Let's have a look at text number three of four in one John, chapter two and verse 22. You might like to be writing down these extra scriptures. Who is a liar. But he who denies that Jesus is the Christ, he is Antichrist. Who denies the father and the son. And then the fourth reference in one John, chapter four and verse three. And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus has come in the flesh is not of goddess. And this is the spirit of Antichrist, which you've heard was coming and is now already in the world. Well, what does the word Antichrist actually mean? An Antichrist literally means instead of Christ or even to stand in the place of Christ. John said there were many antichrists within the early church, as we've just read in one John, chapter two, and verse 18. And these antichrists all had a misconception about the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, the original antichrist was always the devil himself. It was Lucifer who first wanted to take the place of Christ. See Isaiah 1412 14. And it is he who continually opposes and misrepresents Jesus Christ. Well, let's now get into the Antichrist of Bible prophecy. Within Bible prophecy, there's one specific Antichrist, Antichrist, who is described in great detail. This power would rise after the time of the early church and have a dramatic impact on the history of the world. Question number two. What is the name of the Antichrist that would arise after the time of the early church? We now go to another reference to the Antichrist, and it's found in two Thessalonians, chapter two, verses one to four. Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica in Greece, let no one deceive you by any means, for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition. Friends, in the Latin, the word perdition means destruction. It also means son of hell, fire and damnation. So what is going on here? Well, within the early church, some people believed and taught that Jesus would actually return in their day. The apostle Paul refuted this concept and he predicted that before Jesus returned, the church would experience a major spiritual fall. This falling away would reveal the man of sin. The great Antichrist, would exalt himself and be involved in breaking or disregarding the law of God. It's interesting to note that the Antichrist of prophecy would arise within the church. In a similar way, Jesus referred to his disciple Judas as the son of perdition or the son of hell. See John 1712. You need to remember that Judas was a leader in the church who wanted power more than he wanted a relationship with Jesus Christ. You know, most people think the Antichrist will be a secular political leader, but the Bible is clear the Antichrist will come from the world of religion and that religion will deceive and betray the teachings and the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father. Most of the prophecies relating to the Antichrist are featured in the books of Daniel and Revelation. In these prophecies, a variety of symbols are used to describe the characteristics and activities of the Antichrist. In the Book of Daniel, the Antichrist power is symbolised as a little horn in Daniel seven. In the Book of Revelation, the same power is described as the first beast or the sea beast of revelation 13, and then as Babylon in revelation 17. In each case, the identifying marks are very similar, indicating the same power represented from slightly different angles. So the Antichrist can be called the little horn power in two Thessalonians chapter two, the man of sin in revelation 13, the first beast, beast number one. Or in revelation 17, the woman who rides the beast, or the great harlot. Now, the focus of this study will be an investigation of Daniel chapter seven. This chapter is absolutely vital because it outlines the empires of history and identifies very special characteristics of the Antichrist. It also lays the foundation for future descriptions of the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation. So if you can, please take time to read Daniel chapter seven. There are 28 verses there, and notice especially the descriptions and characteristics of the little horn power. So let's go straight into the vision that Daniel had of the four beasts will be in Daniel chapter seven. And we're going to look at verses one to seven. Question number three. Thanks so much for joining us. What did Daniel see coming up from a windswept sea? In Daniel seven, two, three, we read. Daniel spoke, saying, I saw in my vision by night, and behold, four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. And four great beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other. So it's four great beasts. So while in vision, Daniel saw four great animals coming up from the sea, and each of these beasts were different animals with unique characteristics. Question number four. In Bible prophecy, what do the following symbols represent? Winds, seas and beasts. Let's let the Bible interpret itself and answer for itself. So we want to find out, firstly, what do winds stand for? Scripture will interpret itself. So we're going to go to Jeremiah 49, 36 and 37. Against Elam, I will bring the four winds. I'll bring disaster upon them. My fierce anger says the Lord, and I will send the sword after them until I've consumed them. So, friends, it's very, very clear, isn't it? Winds are a symbol of strife. Destruction and war. And a windswept sea is one in which there's plenty of unrest and commotion. Well, what does the word see or sea stand for in Bible prophecy? We go to revelation 17 and verse 15. Then he said to me, the waters which you saw are peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues. In other words, seas or waters are people groups. So the sea represents a vast population, a place where there are many people from a wide background of nationalities. Even today, we refer to such a group as a sea of faces. The beasts in Daniel's vision were coming up from a very populated area of the globe. So our third identification point is we're asking in Bible prophecy, what is a beast or beast? What do they actually stand for? The Bible answers itself in Daniel chapter seven and verse 17. Those great beasts which are four are four kings. So beasts can stand for kings, the heads of empires. We go to Daniel 723 for extra information. Daniel wrote, the fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on earth. So there we find that beasts can stand for kings or kingdoms. So a beast is a symbol for a kingdom or political power. The use of an animal to represent a nation is still used today. For instance, the eagle represents the United States, the kangaroo represents Australia. But a beast is not necessarily a negative symbol. It simply means an animal that has characteristics that represent a nation. Well, in Daniel seven we find four great nations or political powers, all different from from one another, rising up from populated areas of the world where there's been a history of war and destruction. By comparing the prophecy of Daniel two, the great image, with this prophecy of Daniel seven, it's evident that Daniel is seeing the same succession of world empires. Both prophecies are aligned perfectly. However, the prophecy of Daniel seven provides greater detail and a number of additional interesting facts. So in Daniel two, metals are used to symbolise the nations, while in Daniel seven, beasts or even animals are used to illustrate the link between the two prophecies. The fourth beast of Daniel seven has iron teeth and is called the fourth kingdom. Daniel 7723. The power represented by iron in Daniel two is also called the fourth kingdom. Daniel 240. The four kingdoms represented in both Daniel two and Daniel seven, Babylon number two, Medo, Persia. Number three, Greece. And number four, Rome, in its paganization phase. Let's go on to question number five. So what beast is used to symbolise the first kingdom, which is Babylon? It's interesting that God uses cartoons or figures or animals to give characteristics to the kingdoms, and he uses images and symbols that are well known in those times. In fact, they're fitting and very symbolic. In Daniel seven four, we read the first beast was like a lion and it had eagle's wings. This is very fitting for Babylon. Babylon was so strong. It was like the king of the beast, the lion, and it was swift. The king of the birds, which is the eagle. In fact, in the next picture, taken in the Istanbul Istanbul Museum, you can see the eagle's wing is actually inverted into the lion's mane. So the king of beasts are perfect symbol for the proud and powerful Babylon, an ideal parallel to the head of gold. In Daniel two, the prophet Jeremiah also described the king of Babylon as being like a lion. The lion has come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of nations is on his way. He's gone forth from his place to make your land desolate. Your cities will be laid waste without inhabitants. Also in Jeremiah 413, we read about King Nebuchadnezzar and the nation of Babylon. Behold, he will come up like clouds and his chariots like a whirlwind. His horses are swifter than eagles. Woe to us, for we are plundered. Friends, you may not be aware, but even recently there was a company called lion of Babylon dates. And this shows the power of the Babylonians. They felt that they had ultimate power. And here is the lion of Babylon from outside the ruins at ancient Babylon in Iraq today. And this lion is crouching over a man, showing its total power and strengthen. Well, how long did the babylonian empire last for? It's very interesting that a civilization that based its numerical system on the number six lasted 66 years, from 605 to 539 BC. Question six. What animal is used to represent the second kingdom? Medo, Persia. And Medo, Persia came and took the place of Babylon. We go to Daniel chapter seven and verse five. And suddenly Daniel writes another beast, a second like a bear. It was raised up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. Teeth. What does this actually mean, raised up on one side? This is a signification of that one of the powers was stronger than the other one. In fact, the coalition government of Medes and Persians was lopsided because the Persians were a much stronger entity than the Medes. And why did the bear have three ribs in its mouth? Well, this indicated it had eaten three other beasts. The three major powers conquered by Medo Persia were in order. Babylon, Lydia and Egypt. And how long did that kingdom last for? It lasted for 208 years, considerably longer than the 66 years of ancient Babylon. Question seven. What animal is used to represent the third kingdom? Greece. We're going to Daniel, chapter seven and verse six. After this, Daniel wrote, I looked and there was another, like a leopard, which had on its back four winds of a birdhouse. The beast also had four heads and dominion was given to it. So, friends, a leopard with four wings represents a very fast and attacking empire. Notice this leopard had four heads. After the death of Alexander, the greek empire was divided between the four of his generals, the heads of his empire. These four generals were Ptolemy, Seleucus, Cassander and Lysimachus. Now, let's get a little bit more information from the history books. Let's go to the book written, called Alexander the Great, and page 157, the book says, only four great powers now remain the separate kingdoms of Ptolemy, one of Egypt, Cassander of Greece, Seleucus one of Syria, and Lysimachus of western and central Asia Minor. You can see the areas the four generals ruled there on that map. So, friends, Greece ruled from 331 to 168 BC. As we go from BC dating to AD, we go backwards. This is a period of 163 years less than the time that Medo Persia ruled the world. And we need to ask the question who, who replaced the amazing kingdom of Alexander the Great and his four generals? The answer is the iron monarchy and the iron kingdom of Rome. Question number eight. The fourth kingdom, pagan Rome, is symbolised by a powerful creature with iron teeth and ten horns. Let's go to verse seven to find out more about it. Daniel writes, after this, I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, exceedingly strong. It had huge iron teeth. It was devouring, breaking in pieces and trampling the residue with its feet. It was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. So the fourth kingdom, pagan Rome, was symbolised by a powerful creature, a nondescript beast with iron teeth and ten horns. We're now asking, well, what did the ten horns represent? They must have had some symbolic meaning for God to include them in this vision. And Daniel tells us the answer. The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom? The ten horns are ten kings, just as the iron legs of Rome divided into the iron and clay feet and ten toes of Daniel, too. Now we find Daniel seeing ten horns arising out of the power of a horn is another symbol of a kingdom. Daniel 724 and Daniel, chapter eight, verse 22. The ten horns are the ten powers that rose from the divided roman empire. These nations are what we see today and they're known as western Europe. So we need to ask, well, how long did the iron kingdom of Rome actually last. And the answer is. So the pagan Roman Empire ruled the world for 644 years. That's a long period of time, isn't it? From 168 BC to 476 AD, which was the end of the Roman Empire. So which fifth world Empire was going to knock off the kingdom of Rome? The history books tell us this, and I'd like to give you some extra information not contained in the study guide. Wikipedia says, in 476, o de arsa, or Ode Acca, deposed the last emperor of the western Roman Empire in Italy. Another quote from church history, page 175. When the last wave of the barbarian invasions had spent its force, the face of Europe had been transformed. Independent germanic kingdoms had been established on the ruins of the Roman Empire. So, friends, the ten horn kingdoms of western Europe stand for ten nations. The suevi with the Portuguese, the Visigoths with the Spanish, the Anglo Saxons with the English, the Franks with the French, the Alemanni with the Germans, the Burgundies with the Swiss. And then there were three nations that were displaced. But we'll go to that in a moment. So let's summarise, before we go to question number nine, what we've learned with the four beasts. There was Babylon, the winged lion, showing the strength of the kingdom of Babylon, the king of the beasts and the king of the birds. There was a bear raised up on one side, showing Medo Persia, or displaying, symbolically, the kingdom of Medo, Persia. Incidentally, there were bears up in the median mountains, which today would be in Iran. So a very fitting symbol in terms of Greece. Alexander the great moved with lightning speed, and so a four headed flying leopard is very apt to describe his swiftness and how he would surprise the nations. Now, the fourth beast, pagan Rome, is a nondescript beast. It's not actually described, so the artists have to make do with their own imaginations. But after these four empires and the rise of the ten horns, or the ten nations of Europe, another power comes up, and this is known as the little horn power. Let's dig deeper as we go on this search for who is the Antichrist. Question number nine. What did Daniel see coming up out of the ten horns? Were in Daniel seven, eight. Daniel wrote, I was considering the horns and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out of by the roots. What does this mean? Well, friends, this covers a broad period of history. The little horn and the judgement is actually the focus for the rest of this chapter. It is this power that provides the additional information to the Daniel two prophecy. Here we will see the character and power of the little horn, the great Antichrist of prophecy. Now, some people say, well, I don't know about these interpretations, so let's go to an early church father who was Hippolytus, who lived from 170 to 235 AD. It was one of the anti nicene fathers or one of the early church fathers. This is what he wrote after reading through Daniel chapter seven in his commentary. He said, the golden head of the image is identical with the lioness by which the Babylonians were represented. He then wrote, the golden shoulders and the arms of silver are the same as with the bear by which the Persians and the Medes are meant. The belly and thighs of brass are the leopard by which the Greeks, who ruled from Alexander onwards, are intended. The legs of iron are the dreadful and terrible beast by which the Romans, who hold the empire now, are meant. So this is actually his time. But then he makes a prediction. The toes of clay and iron are the ten horns which are to be. So he realises this will come in the breakup of the pagan Roman Empire. But then he says something amazing. He wrote, the one other little horn springing up in their midst is the Antichrist. Friends, that is absolutely amazing because that is absolutely correct. So there's Rome, there's the ten nations, ten kingdoms, ten kings of Europe, the breakup of the pagan Roman Empire. And that is followed by the rise of the Antichrist power. So the little horn, how do we understand it? Is it the Antichrist? We need to look deep into Daniel 7823 to discover the ten clues that will identify the Antichrist of biblical prophecy. So we need to put our detective hats on and go and look at the clues and look at the missing pieces of the jigsaw. Please join me in question ten. It's on page eleven in our study guide. What are the ten characteristics that clearly identify the Antichrist power of the little horn? Clue number one. We are to read Daniel seven and verse eight to just see where most of the clues are actually written. Let's go to Daniel chapter seven and verse eight, where we get a full description of the little horn power. Not all of its characteristics, but most of its characteristics. Daniel wrote, I was considering the horns and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them. Among what? Well, the other ten horns, before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there in this horn were eyes, like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words. So what are the ten characteristics that clearly identify the Antichrist power of the little horn. Clue number one is that it rises from western Europe. Well, is that so? Yes, that's exactly so. That's what the scripture said. I was considering the horns, the ten, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them. Friends, the little horn was seen amongst the ten horns coming up from them, rising out of the head of the fourth beast. See Daniel seven eight, as we've just read. Well, this information then provides us with the geographical location of the rise of the little horn. Since the ten horns represent the division of the Roman Empire into the nations of western Europe, the little horn would arise from somewhere within the region. So we are looking at the missing pieces of the jigsaw and the missing piece of the jigsaw. And clue number one is that the little horn power arises from western Europe. Let's go to clue number two. Clue number two is that it is a little kingdom compared to the rest. In fact, it's tiny. Let's understand more by going back to our source text. Daniel chapter seven, verse eight. Daniel wrote, I was considering the horns. Which horns? The ten horns, the breakup of the pagan Roman Empire. And there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them. So it is, in fact, a little horn, a little kingdom. Well, this political power has the unique characteristics of being a little horn. As we read in Daniel seven eight, here we have a small nation that will accomplish large things. So, missing piece of the jigsaw number two is that it is a little kingdom. It comes out of western Europe. It is a little kingdom. Let's go to clue number three. This power arises after the ten tribes of Europe were established. We need evidence of this. So let's go to Daniel chapter seven, our source material, and verse 24. Daniel writes, the ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this fourth beast kingdom, and another shall arise when that's right after them. He shall be different from the first ones, and he shall subdue three kings. Friends, the little horn, or Antichrist. Power not only comes out of the ten horns, but also comes to power after the ten horns were established, and another shall arise after them. Daniel 724. The ten horns were finally established in 476 AD. So we're looking for a power which gained its political clout after this date. So here is missing piece of the jigsaw number three. And that is, it arises after the ten tribes of Europe were actually established. Let's go to clue number four. This power overcomes the little horn. Cow power overcomes three political powers. As it rises to prominence. Let's go back to our source. Daniel, chapter seven, verse eight. I was considering the horns and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before whom three of the first horns, the ten, were plucked out by the roots. This is very, very serious, isn't it? The Bible says that three of the original ten horns were plucked out by the roots. In Daniel seven eight, the little horn would overcome three of the tribes of Europe on its way to dominance. Three of the original kingdoms had been removed by 538 AD. This kingdom would come to power sometime around 538 AD. Let's just investigate a little bit more there. So, here is our map. And so this rising power, the little horn power that rose in western Europe, firstly took out the Ostrogoths. It took out the Heruli and it took out the vandals. So the Ostrogoths were taken out in 538 AD. The Herulae were taken out and removed as a power in 493 ADHD, and the vandals were taken out as a power in AD 534. If any of you know your ancient history, these three powers were aryan powers and they believed differently to the little horn power, and so they were removed from the scene. So three powers were made extinct. Three horns were ripped out. The Ostrogoths, the Heruli and the Vandals. Let's understand a little bit more in a summary of this position. The Herili, the Ostrogoths and the Vandals were extinguished by eastern Rome in the fifth and 6th centuries to free Italy, the country Italy, from any foreign domination. So here is our jigsaw piece of number four. The little horn power. The Antichrist power would overcome three political powers as it rose to prominence. Well, we're going to hurry on to clue number five of the ten characteristics that clearly identify the Antichrist. Power of the little horn. This is that it is different from the other ten horns, the other ten powers. Let's go to Daniel 724. The ten horns are ten kings who will arise from this kingdom and another shall arise after them. He shall be different from the first ones. The ten tribes of western Europe were all secular political powers. But this little horn was unique. There was something different about this power, and that is because it was a religious power. So our jigsaw missing piece number five is that this little horn power was different from the other ten horns. The other ten powers. We go to clue number six. It would have a man at its head who actually speaks for it. Let's go to Daniel seven eight and understand some more. At the end of Daniel seven, eight, it says, and there in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a mandev. Well, what does this mean? Although this power is a political entity, it would have eyes like the eyes of a man. Daniel seven, eight. As we just read, a man would be the focus of this power and would be the absolute spokesperson. Here is missing piece of the jigsaw, piece number six. And that is, it would have a man at its head who would speak for this power. We're looking at the ten characteristics of Antichrist. Let's go to clue number seven. This power would actually speak blasphemies against God. We will go to Daniel seven, looking at verses eight and also verse 25, Daniel wrote, I was considering the horns, and there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them, before three. Before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words. Okay, pompous words. Let's go to Daniel 725. He shall speak pompous words against the most high. So, friends, this is very significant. This power delves into religion. It speaks pompous words against the most high as we read in Daniel 725. Well, we need to ask, what are pompous words? In the King James version, the pompous words are translated as great words meaning blasphemous words. And they be said against the most high God, to challenge the most high God, to stand in the place of the most high God. But we've got to ask the question in the Bible, was blasphemy actually defined as in God? John, chapter ten and verse 33. The Jew said to Jesus, the Jews answered Jesus, saying, for a good work, we do not stone you, but for blasphemy. And because you, being a man, make yourself God, we're stoning you for that. Another definition of blasphemy from Luke, chapter five and verse 21. And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, who is this? Who speaks blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God alone? So, friends, if we go to understand what blasphemy is, according to the scripture, number one, it is the ability to claim to forgive sins. And number two, it is also the claim to be God or to supersede God. So the missing piece of the jigsaw here is piece number seven. This power, the little horn power, would speak blasphemies against the most high God. We're in clue number eight of the ten characteristics of Antichrist. This power would actually persecute God's people. We go to Daniel seven and verse 25. He shall speak pompous words or great words or blasphemous words against the most high, and he shall persecute the saints of the most high. Friends, the little horn power would persecute the saints of the most high. Daniel 725. We're looking for a power who is responsible for the deaths of faithful christians. We're talking in the tens of millions of people, and this power will actually have a shameful history of religious intolerance. We go to missing piece of the jigsaw, part number eight, that this power would persecute God's people. Let's go to clue number nine. Clue number nine says that this power is going to be more easily identified because it would be in power for 1260 years. That's double the time, not quite, of the Roman Empire, which lasted for 644 years. This will be 1260 years. Notice on the screen that the 1260 years identifying this power were always written in code, sometimes as a time, times and half a time, other times as 42 months by 30 days in the jewish month gives you 1260 on other occasions, 1260 days. In revelation, a time, times and half a time, and also in revelation 42 months. So we go to Daniel 725. It says, he shall speak pompous or great words against the most high and shall persecute the saints of the most high and shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints will be given into his hand for a time and times and half a time. What is the time, times and half a time. Let us understand it. So, friends, this power rules for a time, times and half a time, as in Daniel 725. By comparing Daniel 725 with revelation twelve, six and 14, it's clear that this time prophecy is another way of saying 1260 days. Now, a time is one year, meaning twelve months by 30 days or 360 days. Times is two years or 720, and half a time is six months or 180. Whereas the amplified Bible translated three and one half years based on the 30 day calendar used by the ancient scriptures, three and a half years is actually 1260 days. So, very simply, in Bible prophecy, a day is a symbolic code for a literal year, Ezekiel four six. Thus, 1260 days represent 1260 literal years. Seven times. In the books of Daniel and Revelation, the same time period is given using different phrases to represent the length of rule for this Antichrist power. So I want to now ask, is there actually any evidence for the day year principle? Is there any jewish evidence for this well, the quote here says, the translators of the Lxx, which is 50 and x, and x is ten and ten. So the 70 were the 70 who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek. So these were the jewish scholars. So, the translators of the Septuagint applied the year day principle we've just shared with you to the 70 weeks of Daniel nine, at least as early as the third century before Christ. They added the words of years into the numerals of the prophecy. So we're going to read there, in Daniel 925, there are 70 weeks of years. So this is a well established principle. Therefore, missing piece of the jigsaw number nine is. Excuse me. It would be in power. The little horn power would rule and reign for 1260 years through the middle and the dark ages. We're now going to clue number ten. This power would attempt to change God's times and God's law. Friends, this is a very serious thing. This power would attempt to change the very ten commandment law of God. And in one John, chapter three and verse four, we're told what sin is. Whosoever committeth sin also transgresseth also the law. For sin is the transgression of the law. So, friend, if sin is the breaking of the law, what would the changing of God's ten commandments be? So, in one of the most intriguing clues of all, the little horn would intend to change God's times and law. See Daniel 725. We just read it. In our search for the identity of the Antichrist, we need to discover which power would attempt to alter times in connection with the law. So here is missing piece of jigsaw number ten. This power would attempt to change the times and the law. So who is the little horn power? The Antichrist? Well, we can't tell you in session number one, part one. But we can in session number two. But let me summarise and give you a few hints to summarise what we have studied together. The little horn power. In other words, the Antichrist rises to prominence in western Europe sometime after the divisions of the Roman Empire when it was established. So it rises sometimes 476 AD. Secondly, to make way for its rise to greatness, three of the Horn kingdoms affecting Italy are actually overthrown. For over 1000 years, the little horn power would seek to exercise its great power in Europe, speaking pompous or great words against God and even seeking to change God's law. During the Middle Ages, it would become the greatest power in western Europe, according to two Thessalonians. Two, it arises within the church and after the fall of the Roman Empire, as a great counterfeit of Christ. So we are told more about this power in Daniel seven and eight in two Thessalonians chapter two in revelation 13 and revelation 17, using the little horn power, the man of sin, the sea beast of revelation 13, and the woman who rides the beast, the great harlot, in revelation chapter 17. So, friends, in the next presentation we will investigate the facts and clearly identify the Antichrist. You'll see the impact this power has had on the world and look at some practical tips on how to respond to upcoming deceptions. And we're going to go back and use every one of the ten biblical points of identification. Well, let's summarise what we've shared in this amazing Bible study. Number one, an antichrist is a personal power that opposes or attempts to take the place of Jesus Christ. Important point number two, the Antichrist of prophecy is called the man of sin who rises up within the church. Point number three, Daniel seven provides at least ten clear clues to identify the Antichrist of Bible prophecy. So I'm wondering what your response is tonight. Are you willing to accept God's truth, even if it means you'll need to make changes in your life? I hope that you love God's word so much, or you are coming to that position where you can answer positively. Let's have a look at some relational questions and broaden this very, very deep Bible study into relating to how we live today. What is the overall attitude that underlines an antichrist? Maybe you can think of some answers. I'm sure you can. Maybe I could summarise a few of the themes that came up from the scriptures. There's certainly a degree of pride and arrogance. And in Isaiah 1413, Lucifer said that he would exalt his throne above the stars of God. He certainly had a superiority complex. And in Isaiah 1414 he said, I will be like the most high God. I will even seek to replace the most high God. Relational question number two. In what ways do some christians demonstrate the antichrist attitude today? Well, as we apply this to ourselves, this becomes rather challenging. It could apply to us when we indulge in selfishness and do not put others first. Maybe even when we just ignore God, or even worse, when we want to live that independent life that doesn't have any part of Jesus Christ in our life. What do you think is the attitude of the true Christ and how could you make those characteristics a part of your life? I think the main characteristic we think about when we think of Jesus and the cross is the love of God. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. In Matthew 22 37. And friends, if you're not at that place yet, then just in a simple prayer in your mind, say to God, I'm open to experiencing the love of God and to fall in love with this God. But I need to know that you love me and care for me. Send me a sign and God will hear and answer that Jesus said in Matthew 1128, come to me, all you who are weary and burdened. If you are down and depressed, if you are full of despair, depression, God promises to give you spiritual rest, physical rest, emotional rest. So, friends, all you have to do is say, Lord Jesus, come into my heart and help me to become a believer in you. Well, we're going to be able to finish this study where we started by answering the five discovery questions. What does the Bible say about the Antichrist? In two, John, we were told repeatedly, the Antichrist is a deceiver and is here already and has been for centuries. Number two, what's another name for the Antichrist in two Thessalonians? Two, three, he was called there the man of sin and even the son of perdition. It's very, very strong language. It's not language I would use. This is language that God uses about this power that seeks to stand in his place. Number three, what does a beast stand for in Bible prophecy? In Daniel 717, we discovered it stands for a king, a kingdom, a power, or a nation. Number four, what is the name of the power that arose out of pagan Rome? It was called the little Horn power. Number five, was the little horn power a political or a religious power? The answer is that he was religious as he blasphemes God. But we're also going to find out in session number two, part two of this series in our next session, that this power also becomes a very much motivated to be a political power. So that's a summary of who is the Antichrist? Part number one, would you like to do the quiz with me? Let's go to question number one. There's just one right answer per the five questions. Number one, most christians today think the Antichrist is a, a political figure, b, a musical figure, or c, a religious figure. What is your answer? Political, musical, or religious? And the answer is a, they believe he will be a political figure. Number two, which beast in Daniel seven represented pagan Rome? Was it the first beast? Was it the third beast, or was it the fourth beast? A b or c, the first beast, the third beast or the fourth beast. Lock it in. And your answer was two. C. Absolutely. The fourth beast, the nondescript beast with the iron teeth, that was the nation of Pagana, Rome. Number three, what were the names of the three horn powers that were ripped out by the little horn power? Were they a, the heroli, the Ostrogoths and the Lombards? Were they b, the Herulai, the Ostrogoths and the suevi, or were they the Herulae, the Ostrogoths and the vandals? I want you to lock in one of those answers. All right? And the answer is three. See? The Herulai, the Ostrogoths and the vandals. I thought you might have remembered a name like vandals somehow. Number four, name one characteristic of Antichrist. That is incorrect. Notice. Incorrect. That he'd persecute God's saints. That he'd reign in power for 1265 years, or see that he would blaspheme against God. Name one characteristic of Antichrist. That is incorrect. Lock in your answer. And the answer is for B. It would reign in power for 1265 years. That is incorrect. It is 1260 years. Finally, quiz question number five. The Antichrist word actually means. What is the word actually mean? To stand in the place of Christ, B, to persecute others, or c, to start a false religion. The word Antichrist actually means lock it in. That's right. Correct. It's a. It is to stand in the place of Christ. Well, what did we learn in session number twelve? Last time we looked at a symbol of the sun and discovered that Sunday is not God's ancient worship day. It was always the 7th day, Sabbath. Neither is it his worship day today. It was changed in session 13. We've looked at ten Antichrist characteristics and we've learned that we or any earthly power must never stand in God's place. Let's look at our discovery points that we're going to learn in session number 14. Who is the Antichrist? Part two. What do we have to do to actually understand and interpret Bible truths? Number one. Number two, why does God allow harsh messages that hurt and wound to actually be given out? Good. Question number three. How many identifiers for the Antichrist power does the Bible actually share? Number four, what did the Antichrist power do to deflect away from it being correctly identified? Did it do anything? Yes, it did. It did two amazing things. And number five, what does the Antichrist power do at the end of time? That's who is the Antichrist, part two. I hope you enjoy us for session number 14, and I hope that our study tonight has been a blessing to you. Let us pray. Gracious heavenly Father, we're grateful for this amazing Bible study rooted in Bible prophecy and the history of the world. We thank you for sharing with us these messages. They're challenging and confronting, but we thank you that you are broadening our mind and giving us solid Bible truth. Continue to bless us as we dig deeper and study these great topics that we may never be deceived. We ask in Jesus powerful name, amen. Secrets of Prophecy with Pastor David Price has been brought to you by 3ABN Australia radio. For more resource in this series you can visit the YouTube page trueblue SDA all one word that's trueblue SDA.

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